Router Jig Basic Instructions.
The TIDY TRADIE Router Jig 2.0 has T-slots in the side rail to hold track clamps, which is a great feature. Irwin quick grip clamps or similar are also needed, depending on the set up. E.g. wide door jambs require longer clamps.

How To Use The Jig
This video shows how to set the jig for installing a latch or lock.
For butt hinges and lock faceplates, the jig edge needs to be flush with the face of the door like in the video preview.
- The hinge markings are only for butt hinges, not concealed.
- The centre markings are for latch and lock faceplates.
- The internal markings top and bottom show the door thickness when the jig edge is flush with the door.
- The internal side markings help for repositioning the jig. Record the number that is on your pencil mark centre line.
- The top row of markings help to position the base of the router when using blank templates.
For a 35mm door, the base plate centre line mark goes on 17.5 half the thickness of the door. You can sight the centre of the latch length with the template line, then do a small test cut. Once it's in the correct position, record the centre measurement on the internal side markings. It could be 44.5 or 45 depending on the latch size.
I always do very light plunge cut to see if I'm centered on the door or on the pencil mark. You should always do a test cut first if you want perfection!
Routers have play in them so try cutting with the plunge locked and if the fit is too tight, unlock the plunge to cut a little bigger.
It all takes practice getting to know your router and jig but once you get the hang of it, it's brilliant.
Sometimes the jig doesn't need to be flush with the door face and you just sight 2mm off your pencil marks. This is the case for large cavities like pivots, flush bolts etc. You can site of a pencil mark when using the blank templates as well.
If you see any videos of mine where you would like more of an explanation, I can do a screen recording and talk you through it.
I hope that helps to get you started. It is an advanced router jig and you can do so much with it.
Tony Gouverneur
The TIDY TRADIE Lockcarpenter